Parish Groups
The Choir
The Choir enhances our Liturgies through music that complements the prayers of the Mass.
Liturgical music is sung prayer, and St. Augustine’s dictum applies: “he who sings well prays twice”.
Following the principles of the Second Vatican Council, the Choir leads the congregation in
active participation, and provides prayerful reflection through motets drawn from the rich musical
heritage of the Church.
The Altar Servers
Drawing from the students of our School and our PREP program, we have a large number of Altar Boys
who serve at all the Sunday Masses and other liturgical celebrations.
The Ladies Auxiliary
This organization is open to all ladies in the parish. Always ready to serve where there is a need,
the Ladies host a yearly Seniors’ Dinner, cooperate with the Knights of Columbus in organizing
the annual Day of Recollection and serving the Parish Feast Day dinner-dance, host funeral receptions
and other parish events, look after the vestments and altar linens, hold bi-weekly church cleaning,
and take on any task assigned to them.
The Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are an international men’s fraternal organization. St. Michael’s Council 9246
was founded in 1986. Besides their annual Charity Appeal and the monthly pancake breakfast, the Knights
provide a host of services to the Parish, ushering at the Sunday Masses, cooking for the Parish Feast Day,
providing a yearly outing for the Altar Boys, seeing to the upkeep and the upgrading of the physical plant,
and together with the Ladies providing precious moral support to the priests.
The Legion of Mary
This organization helps to carry on the evangelizing mission of the Church through a program of prayer and
visitation to the sick and shut-ins.